Enhancing Interviews with SmartInterview: A Partnership

Learn how integrating AI into Brandtrends’ questionnaires enhances interview quality with kids and families, cutting response time and providing more relevant insights. The Brandtrends and SmartInterview partnership will launch in France in July, expanding to other countries in October.


How to enhance kids and families interview quality ?


Adaptation of the Brandtrends questionnaire to smartinterview

  • Adding AI follow-up question allowing brandtrends to dig deeper in their open questions
  • AI extraction to edit on-the-go the questions


  • Improved Response Time: 4.4x faster on average.
  • Time Saved: 50 seconds per question on average.
  • Benefits: Increased respondent focus and access to more relevant information.


SmartInterview has enabled entertainment brands to better understand user preferences, focus on their desires, and tailor content experiences accordingly. Following the success of the project, the two organizations are becoming partners, with Brandtrends set to integrate SmartInterview in France in July and expand to more countries in October.

Some example of AI-generated questions and respondents answers:
927 Roblox One of the first games I got on my iPad
926 Peppa Pig Simple concepts, British
926 Disney For all the family
932 Avatar Avatar is one of the most premium brands I have ever watched and the most lucrative animation movie that is out there. No one has ever come close to beating this brand in any way.
666 Frozen She likes the pretty dolls and that’s why she is very fond of Frozen and the music of Frozen she likes a lot.
588 Little Angel It is educational and supportive of children’s growth.
Brandtrends CEO (Philippe Guinaudeau): Analyzing customers’ words allows us to advise brands more strategically based on qualitative responses. For educational content, we recommend Little Angel. For family-oriented content, we suggest Disney or The Simpsons. For spectacular or premium content, we recommend Avatar.

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