Retraites Populaires used smartinterview to collect qualitative insights at scale.

Integrating SmartInterview, Retraites Populaires enhanced interview quality within the Vaud canton. We provided strategic insights to help Retraites Populaires differentiate their image in the market.

Female hand holding document of global market energy research


Has consumer knowledge about our values and positioning improved? How can we stand out from our competitors ?


By proposing our solution—SmartInterview, tailored and focused on Retraites Populaires’ panel—we were able to design automated AI follow-up questions that uncovered powerful insights never before collected in the Swiss insurance landscape.


Retraites Populaires has been able to design a data-backed new brand image that helps them truly differentiate from their competitors by unlocking unique insights rooted in customer thoughts.


SmartInterview has enabled Retraites Populaires to better test concepts, focus on customer desires, and tailor content experiences accordingly.

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